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采购授权 & Procedures

The objective of the Procurement Department at det365中文 (CCCC) is to ensure that all goods and services are purchased at the lowest possible cost to the college without sacrificing quality.

The role of the Procurement Department is to assist the college community with questions regarding the procurement of goods and services, 发起投标和合同, and to ensure public procurement policies for higher education in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are followed. CCCC follows M.G.L. c.30B,当供应商不是在国家合同,MHEC,或E&I. 使用联邦资金的采购行动也必须符合 2 CFR 200, 统一管理要求, Cost Principles, 联邦奖励的审计要求(“统一指南”), 200.318 to 200.326.

In general, Chapter 30B applies to the procurement of supplies and services with the intent of promoting competition and fairness. 中交所的建设项目遵循第149章的指导方针. Procurement assists the college community in the timely and cost effective purchase of goods and services.

We strive to maximize the college's purchasing power through the use of competitive bidding, negotiations, 管理特别价格协议和合同. 与合格供应商和财团的关系, 学院建立和发展了哪些服务. The financial controls of the college are maintained by ensuring that there is proper authorization of all goods and services purchased.

Up to $500 Exception below
$501–$2,499 预算经理或部门主管
$2,500–$9,999 部门主管,部门副总裁,财务和运营副总裁
$10,000–$100,000 部门主管,部门副总裁,财务和运营副总裁,总裁
$100,001 and over 部门主管,部门副总裁,财务和运营副总裁,董事会主席

批准例外: CCCC will no longer require requisitions to be submitted for goods and/or services where the total purchase is $500 or less. Individual department heads are authorized to order supplies and services directly from vendors without submitting a requisition when the total cost of the purchase is less than $500.

Department heads may delegate this authority to those persons that they authorize to approve departmental expenditures by informing the Procurement Department in writing or by e-mail of the decision. 本署会按部门备存获授权签署人名单. However, please keep in mind that the budget manager is responsible for keeping total expenditures within his or her departmental budget, regardless if another individual has been given authority to purchase goods and/or services.


在遵循以下图表所描述的采购之后, 订购部门将填写在线购买申请表 在购买商品或服务之前. A purchase order will be created and issued regardless if the vendor accepts purchase orders or not.

各部门应征求3份书面报价, 选择成本最低的, 符合要求的可接受的最佳价值报价. 如果该部无法为该项目找到三个可能的供应商, 该部门应与采购部门联系,寻求协助,以寻找潜在的供应商.

订购部门会提供详细的规格, 评标标准, 还有一份提交建议书的供应商名单 Eric Anderson ( 正式投标将在combuys网站上公布,并可在学院网站上查阅.

The requesting department will develop and submit the evaluation criteria and committee for selecting the winning bidder at the same time when submitting the technical specifications. The Procurement Department will assist the requesting department with the evaluation criteria.

The date and time for public bid openings shall be stated in the Request for Sealed Proposals or Invitation for Sealed Bids with an estimated cost of more than $50,000 or more. Representatives of the Requisitioning Department are invited to the bid opening and will work with Procurement to analyze the bids and make recommendations. Procurement will work with the requesting department to prepare a summary of recommendation for approval by the BOT.

采购货物或服务时, 目前在马萨诸塞州联邦的供应商, MHEC, or E&在确定最佳购买价值时,应尽可能参考合同. 程序和文件以及链接到 COMMBUYSMHEC, and E&I 已添加到CCCC网站的采购页面. All purchases with federal funds must be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition consistent with 2 CFR 200.319.

Please contact Eric Anderson (, or 774.330.4327,如果你需要帮助定位一个州,MHEC或E&I vendor. 请联系玛丽·墨菲,, or 774.330.4507,如果你在审查联邦资金采购方面需要帮助.

Note: 你需要在MHEC和E上创建一个个人登录&I网站搜索供应商. COMMBUYS无需登录id即可访问.


The PI/Grant Program Manager and their supervising Dean/VP are responsible for understanding and following the applicable purchasing requirements stipulated in the terms and conditions for the grant award(s). The Grant Program Manager and/or Grant Accountant review costs before charging them to an award to ensure that they are allocable, allowable, 合理和必要. All grant purchases should be accompanied by a Grant Agreement and Procurement (GAP) form (insert link to PDF version of the form) that documents allowability as well as proper procurement procedures. Grants Management and Accounting should be contacted for specific questions concerning a charge to an award account, 最好是在成本发生之前. 

A sole-source procurement is the purchase of supplies or services from a vendor without advising or seeking competition. 唯一来源采购是在M.G.L. c.只有在非常有限的情况下.

M.G.L. c.30B, § 7, 授权单一来源采购价值50美元的用品或服务,000 or less when a reasonable investigation shows that there is only one practicable source for the required supply or service. 裁定必须以书面形式作出.

单一来源合同的授予金额可能低于50美元,购买图书馆图书的合同, school textbooks, 教育项目, 教育课程, 包括教育软件在内的任何媒体的教育课程, newspapers, serials, periodicals, 音像资料或软件维护时不得竞争, 经过合理调查, the Vice President of Finance and Operations is assured in writing that only one practicable sources for the required supply or service exists. The Sole Source Justification form must be filled out and attached to the online requisition form. 如欲索取唯一来源证明表格,请联络 Eric Anderson (, or x4327.

单一来源采购2 CFR 200.320(联邦资金)

Procurement by noncompetitive proposals is procurement through solicitation of a proposal from only one source and may be used only when one or more of the following circumstances apply: (1) The item is available only from a single source; (2) The public exigency or emergency for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting from competitive solicitation; (3) The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes noncompetitive proposals in response to a written request from the non-Federal entity; or (4) After solicitation of a number of sources, 竞争是不充分的. Profit must be negotiated as a separate element of the price for each contract in which there is no price competition.

M.G.L. c. 30B,§8规定,如果完全遵守M.G.L. c. 30B requirement would endanger the health or safety of people or property due to an unforeseen emergency, 在不遵守该规定的情况下采购所需物品或服务.G.L. c. 30B需求可能出现. 但是,即使在紧急情况下,您也必须遵守M.G.L. c. b:尽可能.

必须保存紧急采购的记录, 记录确定紧急情况存在的依据, 与贵辖区将签订合同的供应商的名称, 合同的金额和类型, 以及根据每项合同购买的用品和服务的清单. 该文件还应描述用于征求竞争的程序. 紧急采购的记录必须提交给 商品及服务通讯 以便尽快出版.